- Baker-Pastry Chef
Cocoa puff pastry
- 1 completion stage
Corman products used for this recipe

- Mix all the ingredients, except the water, to obtain a dry dough with a uniform, crumbly texture. Then add the water and mix on low speed to obtain a homogeneous dough without kneading it.
- Roll the dough out into a square shape of 40 x 60 cm and place it on a baking sheet. Cover with plastic film and leave to rest for at least 5 hours in the refrigerator.
- After letting the dough rest, give it three single turns with an hour’s rest between each turn, and then let rest for 12 hours.
- After resting, give another two single turns with at least an hour’s rest between the turns.
1900 g
flour (9 % protein) 500 g
butter 50 g
salt 760 g
water 200 g
cacao powder 1000 g
Express Butter 82% fat – Sheet