- Baker-Pastry Chef
- Horeca
The Exotic Cake
- 9 completion stages
Corman products used for this recipe

Cake mixture
(1 kg in total)
- In the mixer, whisk the eggs with the sugar. On the lowest speed setting, gradually add the flour mixed with the baking powder.
- Finish by drizzling in the Sculpture.
Lime cake
- Mix the additional ingredients with the basic sponge mixture and bake in a lined mould that is 18 cm in diameter. Bake at 170 °C in a convection oven for 45 minutes. Remove from the mould straight away once cooked and leave to cool.
- Slice the cakes horizontally so that you have four layers of cake that are each 1.5 cm high. Cut the sponge again widthwise so that it measures 16 cm in diameter.
1700 g
basic sponge cake mixture 120 g
toasted grated coconut 4
lime zests
Lime and vanilla syrup
- Heat all of the ingredients together so that the vanilla is properly infused. Soak the sponge layers with this syrup. Use about 100 g of syrup per sponge layer.
170 g
sugar 170 g
water 60 g
lime juice 1/2
vanilla pods
Basic butter cream
(1 kg in total)
- Whisk the eggs in a mixer fitted with a whisk. Heat the sugar and water to 124 °C and drizzle it over the eggs to make a pâte à bombe. Continue whisking so that the mixture begins to cool, then add the tempered butter a little at a time.
Coconut buttercream
- Using a mixer fitted with a flat beater, mix the ingredients together until smooth. Set aside.
500 g
basic butter cream 50 g
toasted grated coconut 2
lime zests
Whipped passion fruit ganache
- Bring the Sculpture by Corman and the scraped vanilla pod to a boil in a saucepan.
- Pour onto the white chocolate and add the gelatin mass.
- Mix using a hand-held blender. Add the passion fruit pulp and mix again. Refrigerate until assembly.
- Once cooled, place in a mixer and whisk. Be careful not to whisk the mixture too much as it may split.
220 g
Sculpture 30.2% fat 1/2
vanilla pods 65 g
white couverture chocolate 20 g
passion fruit pulp 14 g
gelatin mass
Exotic filling
- Peel the pineapple and cut it into small cubes. In a saucepan, sweat the pineapple cubes until they become translucent.
- In a different saucepan, heat the sugar, water and pulps together. In the meantime, mix together the agar agar, the pectin and the second quantity of sugar.
- Add the powdered ingredients to the first mixture and cook, stirring constantly, until boiling. Finally, add the gelatin mass.
- Pour this mixture into three centre moulds that are 14 cm in diameter (use 130 g per centre) and scatter 40 g of the sweated pineapple evenly over the top of each centre.
- Place in the freezer.
35 g
fine sugar 90 g
water 115 g
passion fruit pulp 130 g
banana pulp 15 g
fine sugar 4 g
pectin NH 2 g
agar agar 38,5 g
gelatin mass 1/2
- Using a little of the passion fruit whipped ganache, place the exotic centres on top of the first three layers of each cake, which have been soaked beforehand.
- Using a piping bag fitted with a No. 20 tip, pipe a ring of coconut butter cream around the edge of the first coconut cake layer. Fill the middle on top of the exotic centres with a layer of whipped ganache.
- Cover with the second sponge-centre stack and repeat the process twice more. Place the final layer of soaked sponge on top to complete the cake. Ensure that the top of the cake is flat when adding the last layer of sponge.
- Use the rest of the butter cream to cover the cakes on all sides then, place in the refrigerator.
- Use a toothed metal scraper to make the pattern on the sides of the cake. Using a piping bag, cover the cake in another extra thick layer of Sculpture by Corman. Keep the scraper parallel to the sides of the cake. Give the turntable a single turn to create the pattern across the entire surface of the cake.
- For the top, use the Sculpture by Corman, being careful not to over-whisk the cream, it should still be soft. Use a piping bag fitted with a large leaf tip to create the leaves working from the edges towards the centre.
- Finish decorating the cake by piping a ball of Sculpture by Corman and hollowing it out with a melon baller warmed in a bain-marie. Add some gold iridescent food colouring to some clear gel. Fill the hole you have just created with a little of the gel.
- Add the finishing touches to the cake using gold leaf, coconut curls and by placing gold sugared almonds around the bottom.